楼主 |
发表于 2004-7-13 12:36:21
Something strange, is there any one can help?
I am trying to get the transaction information of certain period from data warehouse. In order to make it more efficient, I wrote a macro as
%macro RFM /store;
libname out "&directory";
data RFM (keep= account_key customer_key merchant_key txn_key txn_date txn_date_key
set dwh.central_card_sale_fact;
where txn_key in (1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,72,73,74,75,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,
and txn_amount not in (.)
and account_key not in (.)
and merchant_key not in (.)
and &start<=datepart(txn_date_key)<=&end;
*........... other coding ....... *;
%let diretory=D:\;
%let start='01Oct2002'd;
%let end='31Dec2002'd;
The strange thing is after I run the whole code, I found all transaction information available in the datawarehouse is captured by data RFM, not just the period I need. Any one can tell me why this happens? Thanks a lot!
Hanna |