ods noresults;
ods listing close;
ods output BasicMeasures = Measures;
proc univariate data=Sashelp.fish;
var Width;
proc sql noprint;
select count(*) as n format=3. into :n
from Sashelp.fish
select LocValue into :Mean
from Measures
where LocMeasure='Mean'
select LocValue format=6.4 into :Median
from Measures
where LocMeasure='Median'
select LocValue format=5.3 into :Mode
from Measures
where LocMeasure='Mode'
select VarValue format=6.4 into :Std
from Measures
where VarMeasure='Std Deviation'
%put NOTE: Fish Sample Size=&n, Mean=&Mean, the Midian=&median, and the Mode=&Mode, STD=&std..;
ods results;
ods listing;