楼主 |
发表于 2003-12-3 16:15:17
54 goptions reset=all cback=white
55 ftext='宋体' ftitle='宋体' hsize=7 vsize=4 dev=bmp gsfname=grfout gsfmode=replace;
NOTE: No units specified for the HSIZE option. INCHES will be used.
NOTE: No units specified for the VSIZE option. INCHES will be used.
56 options symbolgen mlogic mprint;
NOTE: The PROCEDURE REG used 6 minutes 21.2 seconds.
57 data a;
58 infile 'c:\sas.dat';
59 input sg tz;
60 run;
NOTE: The infile 'c:\sas.dat' is:
NOTE: 3 records were read from the infile 'c:\sas.dat'.
The minimum record length was 9.
The maximum record length was 9.
NOTE: The data set WORK.A has 3 observations and 2 variables.
NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.46 seconds.
61 title '身高,体重(shengao,tizhong)';
62 proc reg data = a graphics;
63 model sg = tz;
64 plot sg * tz;
65 run;
NOTE: 3 observations read.
NOTE: 3 observations used in computations.
NOTE: The window system or device has set the XMAX value of the device BMP to 7.08 inches.
NOTE: The window system or device has set the YMAX value of the device BMP to 4.06 inches.
WARNING: [color=red:b1fe1][b:b1fe1]Font 宋体 could not be found[/b:b1fe1][/color:b1fe1].
Font SIMPLEX substituted for font 宋体.
NOTE: Graph's name, REG, changed to REG2. REG is already used or not a valid SAS name.
[img:b1fe1]http://home1.photostation.epson.com.cn/sessions/11392105927/2506440.jpg[/img:b1fe1] |