input 'Userid?';
type LF;
waitfor 'Password', 30 seconds : nolog;
input nodisplay 'Password?';
type LF;
/*input 'Userid?';*/
type 'hujintao';/*用户名*/
type LF;
waitfor 'Password', 30 seconds : nolog;
/*input nodisplay 'Password?';*/
type '123456';/*口令*/
type LF;
filename rlink 'C:\sas\SAS Institute\SAS\V8\CONNECT\SASLINK\tcpwin.scr';
signon ;
NOTE: Remote signon to HC commencing (SAS Release 8.02.02M0P012301).
NOTE: Script file 'tcpwin.scr' entered.
ERROR: Unrecognized userid or password.
ERROR: A communication subsystem partner link setup request failure has occurred.
ERROR: Communication script processing aborted.
ERROR: Remote signon to HC cancelled.