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%if %str(&nm) = %str( ) or %upcase(&nm) = _ALL_
%let where = %str( );
%let where = %str(and name = "%upcase(&nm)");
%*Save macro symbol table size ;
%let savtbmx = %sysfunc(getoption(msymtabmax));
%*redirect macro memory to disk;
options msymtabmax=0 ;
%*Force Write of macros to disk;
%*And at end delete macro catalog;
data _null_;
set sashelp.vmacro end=end;
call symput(name,' ');
where scope='GLOBAL' &where ;
if end
then do;
call execute("proc catalog catalog=work.sasst0 kill;quit;");
call execute("options msymtabmax=&savtbmx;");