You also have another choice, that is using ODS DOCUMENT firstly to save your outputs and then using PROC DOCUMENT to manipulate later.
For example,
[code:14629]ods document name =sasuser.myoutput; /*saved*/
proc ttest data=sashelp.class;
class sex;
var age;
proc npar1way data=sashelp.class;
class sex;
var age;
ods document close;
***Supported that you want to output the results of t test and wilcoxon rank sum test;
proc document name =sasuser.myoutput;
list / levels =all; *** to show you all the outputs, please find the outputs you want;
ods rtf file ='c:\selected replay.rtf ' style=sasdocprinter; ***replay with the format you want;
proc document name =sasuser.myoutput; ***replay or re-output the selected output;
replay \Ttest#1\TTests#1 ;
replay \Npar1way#1\WilcoxonTest#1;
ods rtf close;[/code:14629]