这三个图各有优劣,总的来说,概率图和QQ图直观易估,PP图较灵敏作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-4-17 18:55
在《医学统计学》(孙振球、徐勇勇主编,人民卫生出版社)P43描述的概率图(probabilty-probabilty plot,P-P plot)和分位数图(quantile-quantile plot,Q-Q plot),不知楼上的概率图的定义见于那儿的资料。作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-4-17 23:35
The PROBPLOT statement creates a probability plot, which compares ordered values of a variable with percentiles of a specified theoretical distribution such as the normal. If the data distribution matches the theoretical distribution, the points on the plot form a linear pattern. Thus, you can use a probability plot to determine how well a theoretical distribution models a set of measurements.