newvar = PUT (oldvar, format);
for example:
newD = PUT (VarD, 2.);作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-4-15 09:44
/* from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... o_num.html</a><!-- m --> */
[code:4b0d9]/*test data, ALL character data*/
data chardata;
x='12345';y='0987'; output;
/* sort by pos in the data set, yields vars
in the order they appear in the data set*/
proc sort;
by npos;
data _null_;
do i=1 to nobs;
set varname nobs=nobs end=end;
call symput('mac'||left(put(i,4.)),name); /*creates macro variables for name of vars*/
call symput('num'||left(put(i,4.)),'num'||left(put(i,4.))); /*creates new macro numeric vars*/
if end then call symput('end',put(nobs,8.)); /*determines number of variables, 1 per obs*/
end; /*assumes none of char vars are larger than 8 bytes*/
/*macro generates the drop and rename, so numeric vars have original names*/
%macro create;
data numdata(drop= %do i=1 %to &end;&&mac&i %end;
rename=(%do i=1 %to &end; &&num&i=&&mac&i %end;));
%do i=1 %to &end;
set chardata ;
/*create numeric macro vars, which resolve to num1-num5*/
/*verify that the new data set contains all numeric vars*/
proc contents data=numdata;