NOTE: Invalid data for indbeg in line 3 1-30.
NOTE: Invalid data for indend in line 4 1-30.
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耐心和新奇对学好SAS data step很重要。作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-4-9 22:55
One possibility is the delimiter used in Excel to save the data into text file. I suggest you to use a text editor to browse the TXT file, and find out what kind of character is used between data. By default, your program works only when it is a space.作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-4-9 23:34
多谢zibao和xic的指点作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-4-10 06:36 标题: 问题解决了 我想是excel转换成txt文件后出的问题