I need a sample credit card/banking datasets for my final year project. Anyone can help?
Thanks in advance!!!
Kit <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-3-19 13:47
you can create the datasets by yourself. If you want real data, that is impossible. that is confidential作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-3-21 06:51
Goto "SAS System Help" - "Sample SAS Programs and applications" - "SAS Enterprise Miner". you can find two datasets related to banking industry:
German Credit Data
Home-Equity Loan Scoring Data
They can be used to build sample scorecards.
and actually, in SAS Enhanced Editor, define:libname sample '!sasroot\dmine\sample'; you can also find the data.作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-5-16 20:35
here you are
small sample with 766 observations, enough for excersise <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->