另外,sas软件在中国普及的也少,最起码如果支持一点盗版的话,也会培育出很多的sasor,前景也会光明一些作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-3-12 09:31 标题: to all I am an MA marketing student in the UK. As I know, SAS programmer is highly demanded in Europe and the salary is very competitive. If you are interested in knowing this, the following hyperlink can show you:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://jobs.msn.co.uk/tjmsn/msn_results.asp?Search=Quick&sort=1&keywords=sas&x=32&y=14">http://jobs.msn.co.uk/tjmsn/msn_results ... &x=32&y=14</a><!-- m -->
And I do not know the career prospect of a SAS programme in China? I am not a statistician but a marketer and a SAS base programmer.