个人认为,象时间序列,自相关,联立方程等经济模型,使用EVIEWS是最有效的,功能集中而且齐全,自相关在EVIEWS中可以很简单的就用CORRELOGRAM选项检验,从低阶到高阶。在EVIEWS中,象你上述的模型可以直接用一般线性回归,只用加上自回归阶数就可以了。(y c x1 x2 x3 ar(1))选择普通线性回归选项就能处理了。作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-3-2 05:07
I have not checked into it, but if you like to form the problem as a time series question, you can try to use PROC ARIMA in SAS/ETS. Both MA (miving average) and AR (Autoregressive) are special case for ARIMA model.作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-3-4 12:53
非常感谢 onon 和 xic 老师。搁了这么就 ,你们还不吝赐教。
romae作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-3-5 00:34
I would like you to check out PROC ARIMA in SAS/ETS, it is supposed to be the procedure to handle ARMA model. Besides, I would like to bring your attention that the AR or MA model of higher order can be re-formaulted as a multi-dimensional model of order 1, by introducing more than one state variable. For example, write [x(t),x(t-1),x(t-2)] as z(t).作者: shiyiming 时间: 2004-3-5 18:11
[quote="xic":81300]Besides, I would like to bring your attention that the AR or MA model of higher order can be re-formaulted as a multi-dimensional model of order 1, by introducing more than one state variable. For example, write [x(t),x(t-1),x(t-2)] as z(t).[/quote:81300]
i am sorry for my ability.I could not understand what's the mean.
Would you like to make some more explanation?